October events November events December events
January events February events March events
April events May events June events

September 24 - Thursday

Wacky Base-ball Nite!
We're planning a nite of wacky baseball games so, bring your glove if you got one! Come dressed in your wackiest baseball outfit and win a prize, believe me it'll be worth it!

October 1 - Thursday

Our local food bank, South East Helping Hands, has requested the help of all the youth in Steinbach, and so tonite we'll be gathering at the EMC at 6:30 sharp to begin our "quest for food". pizza will follow the drive. Sign-up with wes before Sept. 28

October 8 - Thursday

Bible Study Night!
Tonite we are beginning our study on Christian Relationships. Afterwards we'll play a little "murder" ball and we'll use our engineering skills to create the largest straw towers ever!


October 15 - Thursday

We're off to the Bowling Alley for the second annual 7-up Club Bingo Bowl-a-rama! Pick your teams now! We meet at the church at 7:00pm. Bring money for the game and shoes, approx. $7.00. Back to the church for snacks!

October 22 - Thursday

No 7-up Club Tonight! See Saturday October 24

October 24 - Saturday

SAYLRoller Skating Nite
The Steinbach Association of Youth Leaders will be hosting another rollerskating nite. We will be taking buses to the city, so keep your ears open and your eyes peeled for a departure time and cost.

October 29 - Thursday

Bible study Night
Tonight we'll learn a little bit more about Christian Relationships. Afterwards we're going to play a game called shock! Come and find out how electrifying things can be!

November 5 - Thursday

We're off to the Pan Am pool. Be at the Church at 6:50 sharp! Bring $5.00 for the pool and ride and $$ for McDonald's after.

November 12 - Thursday

Bible Study Night!
Bring your bibles and prepare to dig into God's Word. After we'll have a rousing game of stones.

November 19 - Thursday

Manfred's Monster Marshmallow Madness

November 26 - Thursday

Bible Study Night!
Come and find out how to develop lasting relationships God's way! Don't forget to bring your Bibles!

December 3 - Thursday

Christmas Party!
Come dressed in your most Christmassy outfit. Whoever comes wearing the most snowflakes takes home a CD! Bring a $2.00 edible gift for an exchange.

December 10 - Thursday (Not an official youth event)
Since the Junior High is holding it's Christmas program tonite, we thought it would be nice to support our friends by attending. We'll meet at church at 7:15pm

Christmas break

January 7 - Thursday

What does come first, the chicken or the egg? I've never been quite sure. Come for an evening of wacky egg games. No yokes, it'll be great!

January 14 - Thursday

Bible Study Night!
You know what? God accepts us in spite of who we are! He loves us unconditionally. That's the kind of love we need to show people around us. Remember...

January 21 - Thursday

Servant Project
Remember last week when we learned about loving others unconditionally? Well today we can put our words into practice by helping out at Winnipeg Harvest. Remember, we leave for the city at 5:00pm.

January 28 - Thursday

Praise and Worship
SAYL is putting on another of their Praise and Worship. Seems kind of fitting to be praising the Lord after getting through a tough week of exams, don't you think. It all begins at 8:00 at the Southland Church (just south of the Full Gospel). Don't miss this time of prayer and praise!

January 29 - Friday

Junior High Activity Day!!
Today some of us will brave the slippery Manitoba slopes during the SJH activity day. Later come and join SAYL's second Praise and Worship. Watch for details!!

February 4 - Thursday

Bible Study
Come and find out how to live wisely. We need God's wisdom in order to make the right decisions in life.

February 11 - Thursday

Stupid Cupid Party
Yes that's right, it's time for our annual STUPID CUPID PARTY!! Take some time to write the gushiest, sweetest valentine. If your's is the sappiest one, you'll win a Prize! Note: You must wear something red or suffer at the hand Weslina!

February 13 - Saturday

Roller Skating
SAYL is once again going roller skating. If you want to go, get your tickets from Wes - they're $5 for skating and $3 for the bus ride. We'll leave from the McD's parking lot at 5:30. See poster for details!

February 18 - Thursday

Fiddler on the Roof
Quite a few of our piers are aspiring young actors. So tonight we're going to go and show our support by enjoying "Fiddler on the Roof" at the SRSS. You'll note that we're going on a Thursday, because that seems to be the night our people are on. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students. To get a ticket you'll need to sign-up and get your money to Wes A.S.A.P. The show starts at 7:30 but we'll meet at the church at 7:00

February 25 - Thursday

>Bible Study
Yes it's time once again for our fabulous studies in the Word of God. Afterwards we'll have a round of "Maim that Tune". Don't forget....

March 4 - Thursday

You may want to dress warmly... cause we go'in skating at the Randolf skating rink! Get your blades sharpened and get ready to show us your best quad. Bring $3 and your skates. Hot chocolate follows.

March 11 - Thursday


March 13 - Saturday

Yes you read right, we going skiing! Grab your skis or boards or whatever and get ready for a great day of sun, snow and aching muscles! Details are up and coming but it looks like it'll be $35 for rental and lift plus $5 for gas money and whatever you need for McD's after. Keep your eyes peeled for a sign-up sheet. This is a church event, so invite your parents as well (cause we may need drivers)!

March 18 - Thursday

Bible Study
Bible Study Night - Don't forget your Bible! Tonight we're looking at how to be involved in other people's lives, otherwise how will they have an opportunity to know Christ. After the study Wes has a great game planned. What is it? Well it involves flashlights and the entire church building!

March 25 - Thursday

Black Light Night
Well I hope you can see well in the dark, because tonight we'll be spending most of our time in utter darkness! (Well okay, we'll have a few black lights to help us out, but you know what I mean!) We'll play games like black light volleyball, and charades, so come prepared for a great time.

March 27 - April 2

Spring Break
It's time to sit back and relax; Spring Break is here at last. Use it wisely. Especially as we approach Easter.

April 8 - Thursday

Bible Study
No matter where you go, there are always people who don't seem to fit in. Jesus taught and practiced befriending people in the "out" group. Tonight we'll be studying Matthew 5:43-48. Afterwards we'll allow Paula to lead us all in a game of Desperation.

April 16-17 - Friday to Saturday

It's time for our annual Lock-out. Tonite we lock ourselves in and everyone else out of the church and spend the night learning about God, playing games and just hang-in out till morning. Remember you need to get your consent forms from Wes and back to him before the event. If you have any cool ideas let a sponsor know!

April 22 - Thursday

Tonight we'll head off to the Steinbach Junior High to watch the musical. This year the play is called "All because of the General store". Those of you wanting to come should meet at the Junior High at no later than 7:10pm. See Wes for more details.

April 29 - Thursday

Bible Study
How many times have you talked to someone about Jesus this month? this week? today? If Jesus really does forgive all of our sins, if we really are going to heaven, shouldn't we be telling others the fabulous news? If we don't who will? How many of your friends need to hear that news? Our relationships are very important. They are ways that God speaks through us to others. Bring your Bible and we'll look into God's word for wisdom. After the study we'll go outside to play baseball

May 2 - Sunday Evening

We are delighted to be able to invite you to a special concert at the Steinbach EMB Church on Sunday, May 2nd featuring the band, Down Here. Down Here is a group that originates from Briercrest Bible College. Those of you who had the opportunity to attend Youth Quake this past February may remember them performing during one of the evening sessions. Here a brief bio of the group:

Down Here
Rarely has a gift captured the hearts and ears of their listeners as has been experienced by those who have listened to Marc Martel and Jason Germain. The combination of the depth in their lyrics combined with unforgettable melodies and edgy instrumentation makes you come back for more. Working closely in their 5-piece band, Marc and Jason deliver a compelling performance that begs for a closer listen. Both of the frontmen craft their lyric-driven songs from deep convictions and experiences. The diversity of their musical talents make them both feel at home on the mic and behind a piano or guitar. The sincerity of their hearts is unmistakable as you listen to their original and powerful offerings. Between the two, they come with many live performance experiences as well as a host of worship band venues. Their gifts were quickly recognized at college, where they became known as the artists who deserved a listen. As a record label, we heartily endorse the abilities of Down Here, and strongly believe that they will be used by God to further His kingdom. We hope you enjoy the listen.

The concert will begin at 7:00pm and is open to everyone. An admission fee of $3/person will be taken at the door.

You also may be interested to know that the group has some songs in MP3 format on the Internet at
www.slyngshot.com ( they sound somewhat like Jars of Clay ).

May 6 - Thursday

Bike Rally/ Pizza Scavenger Hunt
Bring your bikes tonight because we're doing the Bike Rally/ Pizza Hunt Scavenger ride around town thing! Oh yeah, bring $2 and your appetite.

May 13 - Thursday

Bible Study
Tonight we'll resume our Bible Study on Christian relationships. Is there someone you know who needs to know Christ? What are you doing to ensure that person knows that Jesus loves them? Remember your Bible. This is our last Bible Study for the year, so be sure to come!.

May 20 - Thursday

Cross Town Tag
Put on yer runnin shoes! Only those swift of foot, quick of wit and strange in appearance will have opportunity to outsmart the wiley, elderly youth leaders. If you've never played before, get ready for a night of running and laughing. Oh by the way, watch out for the supersoaker snipers.

May 30 - Sunday

Year End Bash!
This year for our year end bash we've rented the Steinbach pool for an hour of splish splash'in fun! After and hour of getting wet we'll head over to the park for a bar-be-que! All in all it'll be a great evening that you won't want to miss. All you have to do is sign up on the sheet outside the youth room and bring $2 to cover the cost!

June 12 - Saturday

Car Wash!
Yes it's time for another of our great Car Washes. As is tradition, we'll hold it right here on our church parking lot. Come prepared to have a great day! Money raised will go toward our mission trip and also next years expenses.

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